I am feeling pretty sick at the moment and will most likely be vague in several spots of the following text, hopefully you'll get the general idea.
It occurs to me that I never introduced the whole party:
* Terrian Vahe = Inquisitor of the King's Inquisition
* Kywin Vast = Ninja from the Plane of Shadows
* Harold Vyxr = Tiefling Wizard from Damocles
* Vale Sadar = Half-Orc Monk
This group has something of a love for having similar naming conventions in all their characters. In this particular campaign it was all of them having a four-letter "V" surname. The only one who breaks this mold is Vale Sadar, but that's only because his player was dead-set about "Vale" being the first name, he explained why but I've forgotten.
They picked up right where they left off last time, looting the boss they killed in 1 round. They found some incriminating evidence that would implicate the Jarlessa in various traitorous crimes, which they loved because they want nothing more than to publically behead this woman.
They found notes unsigned but further examination would yield positive results, they had other letters of correspondence between the Jarl and his treacherous wife that has blatant lies; the combination of evidence granted them some pretty major bonuses to the Diplomacy checks it would take to get this man to arrest his spouse.
They gleefully skipped back to the Fortress of Thorns, in the border town Roses, to finally corner the she-witch. As they had previously been honored guests, and it being early enough in the morning, the Jarl was home and available immediately. they marched into his study where the two rulers were enjoying their morning together reading in the study.
Things got worse.
Vahe is an Inquisitor, and not one of a particularly diplomatic disposition, he just kinds of storms in and everyone kind of just starts demanding that blood be spilled while waving paper around.
They calm down for five seconds and hand the evidence over to the Jarl and convince him of his wife's treachery. She bolts, but isn't quick enough and is hit by several arrows, shuriken, spells, and finally a bullet to the leg from her husband.
She is brought to the dungeons to await trial and faces execution in the coming weeks. High fives for everyone.
An understandably distraught Jarl thanks the party for their services to their kingdom, but asks that they please leave him be. They oblige him and skip off to the bounty office to collect their money for bringing in the head of Chieftan Magruk gro Kuun, the rest of the town can rest easy now that a homicidal tribe of orcs is safely rotting in the sunlight by now.
They make the trip back to Damocles to personally report with Inquisitor-Lord Sagar Joester who tells them that they are to take their most dangerous mission yet. There is no guarantee that any of them will return, but they are to cross the border into the Empire of Eisenheim and cause as much damage as they can before the inevitable war between kingdom and empire begins.
They safely make the trip across the border and end up in the moderately sized town of Prenzlaurberg to begin their planning of what steps they should take now.
This is the most independent of any quest they have received so far and I, personally, am interested to see what they do with their freedom.
We ended the session at the planning stage as I hadn't gotten as many Imperial NPCs finished as I would have liked and also it was close to midnight by the time we got their. Not very many, nor particularly taxing, encounters this session and so a lot of time was eaten up with the various roleplay elements that come with reporting back to a quest-giver or wrapping up a plot-line that had pretty much been going since the first session.